Becoming Eduardo

“Becoming Eduardo,” a heartfelt and thought-provoking New Mexico-based film directed by Rod McCall, premiered in 2008 and garnered widespread acclaim, winning multiple awards across various New Mexico film festivals. The film delves into the life of Eddie Corazon, a young man navigating the challenges of self-discovery, identity, and growth in a world fraught with obstacles. Through its poignant storytelling and compelling performances, the movie resonated deeply with audiences and critics alike.


Produced by Open Range Pictures, the film embodies the company’s commitment to creating meaningful stories while fostering opportunities for the local community. By filming in New Mexico, “Becoming Eduardo” brought jobs, resources, and exposure to the southern part of the state, showcasing the region's rich culture and talent. Now available through digital distribution, the film continues to reach new audiences on DVD and iTunes, cementing its place as a cornerstone of Open Range Pictures’ dedication to impactful storytelling and community engagement.

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